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Tretten, Phillip, PhDORCID iD
Publications (10 of 68) Show all publications
Kans, M., Ingwald, A., Tretten, P. & Ylipää, T. (2025). Underhåll och driftsäkerhet: En introduktion. Studentlitteratur AB
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Underhåll och driftsäkerhet: En introduktion
2025 (Swedish)Book (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Studentlitteratur AB, 2025. p. 300
National Category
Mechanical Engineering
Research subject
Human Work Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-111521 (URN)9789144185842 (ISBN)
Available from: 2025-02-04 Created: 2025-02-04 Last updated: 2025-02-04Bibliographically approved
Compierchio, A., Tretten, P. & Illankoon, P. (2024). A Neuroergonomics Mirror-Based Platform to Mitigate Cognitive Impairments in Fighter Pilots. In: Uday Kumar; Ramin Karim; Diego Galar; Ravdeep Kour (Ed.), International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance 2023: . Paper presented at 7th International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance (IAI2023), Luleå, Sweden, 13-15 June, 2023. (pp. 31-43). Springer Nature
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A Neuroergonomics Mirror-Based Platform to Mitigate Cognitive Impairments in Fighter Pilots
2024 (English)In: International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance 2023 / [ed] Uday Kumar; Ramin Karim; Diego Galar; Ravdeep Kour, Springer Nature, 2024, p. 31-43Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer Nature, 2024
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (LNME), ISSN 2195-4356, E-ISSN 2195-4364
National Category
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Research subject
Human Work Sciences; Operation and Maintenance Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-103528 (URN)10.1007/978-3-031-39619-9_3 (DOI)2-s2.0-85181977668 (Scopus ID)
7th International Congress and Workshop on Industrial AI and eMaintenance (IAI2023), Luleå, Sweden, 13-15 June, 2023.

ISBN for host publication: 978-3-031-39618-2; 978-3-031-39619-9

Available from: 2024-01-09 Created: 2024-01-09 Last updated: 2024-11-20Bibliographically approved
Grafte, L., Laurent, E., Tretten, P. & Risberg, A. (2023). A literature review of recovery and cortisol among military personnel. Military medicine
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A literature review of recovery and cortisol among military personnel
2023 (English)In: Military medicine, ISSN 0026-4075, E-ISSN 1930-613XArticle in journal (Other academic) Submitted
Abstract [en]


Recovery is an essential factor in having a natural resistance to stress. When the body is exposed to a physiological or psychological stressor, a stress reaction occurs, and cortisol is released. This can affect the body in the short and long term. Militaries often practice in realistic scenarios to build resistance to stress and have the conditions to cope with actual events. During the exercises, the military is exposed to both physiological and psychological stress for long periods. After exercises, the body needs to recover to rebuild. Recovery is, therefore, an essential factor for the body. However, there is a research gap for long-term extreme exposure to stress in relation to recovery. The purpose of this study was to review the documentation on the relationship between cortisol levels, stress, and recovery for military personnel.

Materials and Methods

A general literature study with a descriptive approach was carried out. Cortisol measured from serum, blood plasma, and saliva was included. Only full-text, peer-reviewed papers found in databases from the last 25 years were used. Diagnoses, drug use, or other issues affecting cortisol secretion were excluded. Four databases were searched, and nine relevant quantitative articles were found. A quantitative content analysis was done, and a descriptive result was generated.


In the literature study, it became apparent that cortisol levels both increase and decrease in professionals in the military when they are exposed to extreme field exercises with insufficient recovery, causing cortisol levels not to return to their basal levels. The analysis of the included articles gave answers to three questions about the role of recovery in a military context. One study was found where cortisol levels and the recovery period differed between women and men. After field training and a 72-hour recovery period, the men's cortisol levels were back to basal levels, while the women's cortisol levels remained elevated for over two weeks. 

The Conclusion 

The literature review shows the lack of data on the impact of recovery for military personnel. A study containing both women and men in a group setting was found. Results show significantly longer recovery for women, making it an important research gap. As secrecy is often used in the military context, not all information is published. This affects the quality of the studies and the possibility for high transferability and validity. A longitudinal approach with a larger sample size and additional females should be considered in future studies for comparable results. In addition, more measurement points and a systematization would be desirable with cortisols natural deviations taken into account. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oxford University Press, 2023
cortisol, recovery, reactivity, stress
National Category
Occupational Health and Environmental Health
Research subject
Human Work Sciences; Medical Science
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-101052 (URN)
Available from: 2023-08-29 Created: 2023-08-29 Last updated: 2023-09-05
Compierchio, A., Tretten, P., Oyelere, S. & Karagiannis, C. (2023). Assistive VR platform design for Telemanipulation at the Super Fragment Separator Facility. In: Ahram, T., Taiar, R. (Ed.), Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2023): Artificial Intelligence and Future Applications: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications (IHIET – AI 2023), April 13-15, 2023, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland. Paper presented at 9th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies:Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications, Lausanne, Switzerland, April 13-15, 2023 (pp. 186-197). AHFE International
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Assistive VR platform design for Telemanipulation at the Super Fragment Separator Facility
2023 (English)In: Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET-AI 2023): Artificial Intelligence and Future Applications: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies: Future Applications (IHIET – AI 2023), April 13-15, 2023, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland / [ed] Ahram, T., Taiar, R., AHFE International , 2023, p. 186-197Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

An assisted remote manipulation (ArM) platform has been defined for the Super FragmentSeparator (Super-FRS) main tunnel and hot cell at the High Energy Physics (HEP) Facilityof Anti-proton and Ion Research (FAIR). The designed platform positioned within a VirtualReality (VR) based framework ensures dynamic collaboration and effective humaninteraction to assist with Remote Handling (RH) operations. To visually stimulate operatorassisted intervention in harsh environments, enhanced interaction based on syntheticvision has been adapted with simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) techniquesinterlinked with virtual layers representing a three dimensional manipulation of RHmaintenance tasks. The proposed platform also included a sequence mapping toolevaluated with RH task variables specific to the sequence space analyses of pathplanning, motion check, and collision detection performed in both real and virtual RH taskenvironments. Further assistance was envisaged from multimodal feedback categoriesthrough force feedback, in this case, a backpropagation algorithm was tailored to define aforce limit and to send feedback signals to the operator every time the actual patternexceeded the desired output pattern. Overall, the ArM platform ensures the application ofbest engineering practices to RH needs as a basis to maximize information gathering andsharing driven by continuous improvement initiatives.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
AHFE International, 2023
AHFE International ; 70
Assisted Remote Manipulation, Remote Handling, Synthetic Vision, Backpropagation Algorithm
National Category
Signal Processing
Research subject
Operation and Maintenance Engineering; Pervasive Mobile Computing
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-96370 (URN)10.54941/ahfe1002943 (DOI)
9th International Conference on Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies:Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications, Lausanne, Switzerland, April 13-15, 2023

ISBN för värdpublikation: 978-1-958651-46-9

Available from: 2023-04-12 Created: 2023-04-12 Last updated: 2023-05-17Bibliographically approved
Compierchio, A., Tretten, P. & Illankoon, P. (2023). Augment-Me: An Approach for Enhancing Pilot’s Helmet-Mounted Display Visualization for Tactical Combat Effectiveness and Survivability. In: Pierre Boulanger (Ed.), Applications of Augmented Reality - Current State of the Art: . IntechOpen
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Augment-Me: An Approach for Enhancing Pilot’s Helmet-Mounted Display Visualization for Tactical Combat Effectiveness and Survivability
2023 (English)In: Applications of Augmented Reality - Current State of the Art / [ed] Pierre Boulanger, IntechOpen , 2023Chapter in book (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

A learning framework for combining state-of-the-art augmented reality (AR) technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) for helmet-mounted display applications in combat aviation has been proposed to explore perceptual and cognitive performance factors and their influence on mission needs. The analysis originated through examining helmet-mounted display (HMD) design features and their configurations for tactical situational awareness (SA). In accomplishing this goal, the relationship between the pilot visual search and recent advancements in AI have been gauged as a background source to unlock pilot’s uncued visual search limit. In this context, the Augment-Me framework is introduced with the ability to view and organize SA information in a predictive way. The provisioning of AI-augmented fixation maps could effectively outperform current AR-HMD capabilities, facilitating human decision while pursuing the detection and compensation of the mechanisms of human error.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
IntechOpen, 2023
augmented reality, helmet-mounted display, situational awareness, artificial intelligence, visual search, tactical readiness
National Category
Human Computer Interaction
Research subject
Operation and Maintenance Engineering; Human Work Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-100707 (URN)10.5772/intechopen.1002356 (DOI)
Available from: 2023-08-24 Created: 2023-08-24 Last updated: 2023-08-24Bibliographically approved
Illankoon, P., Kulatunga, A., Tretten, P. & Pathirathna, A. (2023). Strategic asset management of a heterogeneous locomotive fleet. International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM), 4(1), 61-80
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Strategic asset management of a heterogeneous locomotive fleet
2023 (English)In: International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management (IJSEAM), ISSN 1759-9733, E-ISSN 1759-9741, Vol. 4, no 1, p. 61-80Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
InderScience Publishers, 2023
National Category
Reliability and Maintenance Transport Systems and Logistics
Research subject
Operation and Maintenance Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-100865 (URN)10.1504/IJSEAM.2023.136214 (DOI)

Validerad;2024;Nivå 1;2024-04-02 (hanlid)

Available from: 2023-08-29 Created: 2023-08-29 Last updated: 2024-04-02Bibliographically approved
Compierchio, A. & Tretten, P. (2022). Human Factors Evaluation of Shared Real and Virtual Environments. In: Tareq Ahram; Redha Taiar (Ed.), Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V: Proceedings of the 5th International Virtual Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, IHIET 2021, August 27-29, 2021 and the 6th IHIET: Future Systems (IHIET-FS 2021), October 28-30, 2021, France. Paper presented at 5th International Virtual Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2021), virtual, August 27-29, 2021 (pp. 745-751). Springer
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Human Factors Evaluation of Shared Real and Virtual Environments
2022 (English)In: Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V: Proceedings of the 5th International Virtual Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies, IHIET 2021, August 27-29, 2021 and the 6th IHIET: Future Systems (IHIET-FS 2021), October 28-30, 2021, France / [ed] Tareq Ahram; Redha Taiar, Springer, 2022, p. 745-751Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The increased pace of adopting virtual reality (VR) technology in the digital age as a new way of communication, enabled the decision-making concept to evolve in environments influenced by improved technologies and operational processes. Human Factors pertinent to team members sharing a real and a virtual environment (VE) have been examined by capturing the interaction capabilities to gain and maintain individual situation awareness (SA) impacting the team SA level. This baseline has been explored with a Joint Cognitive System foundation and integrated in a modified cyclical model with different modes to measure the level of immersion required for achieving higher levels of SA. In addition, a modified Observe, Orient, Decide and Act (OODA) model is introduced to address how information is collected, processed, and conveyed through the interchange of individual and shared mental models of one user immersed in the real world and one user immersed in virtual reality. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer, 2022
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, ISSN 2367-3370, E-ISSN 2367-3389 ; 319
Virtual reality, Decision-making, Human factors, Situation awareness, Joint cognitive system, Observe-orient-decide-act, Shared mental models
National Category
Human Computer Interaction
Research subject
Operation and Maintenance
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-87331 (URN)10.1007/978-3-030-85540-6_94 (DOI)2-s2.0-85115611085 (Scopus ID)
5th International Virtual Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2021), virtual, August 27-29, 2021

ISBN för värdpublikation: 978-3-030-85539-0;  978-3-030-85540-6

Available from: 2021-10-04 Created: 2021-10-04 Last updated: 2021-10-04Bibliographically approved
Compierchio, A. & Tretten, P. (2022). Quantum Reality Perspectives in Dyadic Interactions. In: Tareq Ahram, Redha Taiar (Ed.), Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications: . Paper presented at 8th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022), Nice, France, August 22-24, 2022 (pp. 510-517). AHFE Open Access, 68
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Quantum Reality Perspectives in Dyadic Interactions
2022 (English)In: Human Interaction & Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022): Artificial Intelligence & Future Applications / [ed] Tareq Ahram, Redha Taiar, AHFE Open Access , 2022, Vol. 68, p. 510-517Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

A Virtual Reality (VR) system is introduced in a modified Observe, Orient, Decide and Act (OODA) model for supporting information sharing and situational awareness in a complex environment. At the same time the cooperation and interaction with technical systems provided organizational process support, guidance, and monitoring of system critical functions.The OODA-VR combination enabled bringing together theoretical discussion and practicality responses in dyadic interactions. With the integration of simulation and reality metaphors the reasoning process takes advantage of environmental and cognitive knowledge constructed from complexity tasks. From an interaction viewpoint a more holistic view has been performed in relation to the problem space to articulate the thinking and decision-making process.The provision of the VR interaction capability has been extended to reshape quantum formalism and reality and complement the measurement collapse theory. This baseline has been explored through the Theory of Decoherence and Everettian quantum mechanics representing different measurements outcomes on a system.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
AHFE Open Access, 2022
Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics International, ISSN 2771-0718
Virtual reality, Observe-orient-decide-act, Dyadic interactions, Complexity, Collapse theory, Decoherence, Quantum mechanics
National Category
Human Computer Interaction Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
Operation and Maintenance
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-93031 (URN)10.54941/ahfe1002771 (DOI)978-1-958651-44-5 (ISBN)
8th International Conference on Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2022), Nice, France, August 22-24, 2022
Available from: 2022-09-15 Created: 2022-09-15 Last updated: 2022-09-15Bibliographically approved
Illankoon, P. & Tretten, P. (2021). Collaborating AI and human experts in the maintenance domain. AI & Society: The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence, 36(3), 817-828
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Collaborating AI and human experts in the maintenance domain
2021 (English)In: AI & Society: The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence, ISSN 0951-5666, E-ISSN 1435-5655, Vol. 36, no 3, p. 817-828Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Maintenance decision errors can result in very costly problems. The 4th industrial revolution has given new opportunities for the development of and use of intelligent decision support systems. With these technological advancements, key concerns focus on gaining a better understanding of the linkage between the technicians’ knowledge and the intelligent decision support systems. The research reported in this study has two primary objectives. (1) To propose a theoretical model that links technicians’ knowledge and intelligent decision support systems, and (2) to present a use case how to apply the theoretical model. The foundation of the new model builds upon two main streams of study in the decision support literature: “distribution” of knowledge among different agents, and “collaboration” of knowledge for reaching a shared goal. This study resulted in the identification of two main gaps: firstly, there must be a greater focus upon the technicians’ knowledge; secondly, technicians need assistance to maintain their focus on the big picture. We used the cognitive fit theory, and the theory of distributed situation awareness to propose the new theoretical model called “distributed collaborative awareness model.” The model considers both explicit and implicit knowledge and accommodates the dynamic challenges involved in operational level maintenance. As an application of this model, we identify and recommend some technological developments required in augmented reality based maintenance decision support.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer, 2021
Industry 4.0, Maintenance Decision support, Situation awareness, Collaboration, Augmented reality
National Category
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Research subject
Operation and Maintenance
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-81064 (URN)10.1007/s00146-020-01076-x (DOI)000574372700001 ()2-s2.0-85091749747 (Scopus ID)
Luleå Railway Research Centre (JVTC)

Validerad;2021;Nivå 2;2021-09-28 (alebob);

This article is a revised version of a manuscript that has previously appeared in a thesis.

Available from: 2020-10-08 Created: 2020-10-08 Last updated: 2022-10-11Bibliographically approved
Tretten, P., Illankoon, P. & Candell, O. (2021). Digitalization of Railway Maintenance: A Situation Awareness Perspective. In: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics: AHFE 2021: Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions. Paper presented at Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions - Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conference on Human Factors and Systems Interaction, July 25-29, 2021, USA (pp. 202-209). Springer, 265
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Digitalization of Railway Maintenance: A Situation Awareness Perspective
2021 (English)In: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics: AHFE 2021: Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions, Springer, 2021, Vol. 265, p. 202-209Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Digitalization in railway maintenance opens new avenues for decision-making and maintenance actions. Advanced sensors and support systems help in automating railway maintenance operations, but this also brings new challenges. Dealing with huge amount of data, transparency and observability are becoming critical aspects in the digitalized word. Successively influence the human ability to gain Situation Awareness, which is considered as important human cognitive aspect for decision-making. The study elaborates the opportunities and challenges of digitalization, in a Situation Awareness perspective. Review of present studies shows that although digitalization is meant to increase: Situation Awareness is often challenged and, sometimes even hindered. Therefore, the major focus is on making recommendations using proper Situation Awareness interventions for meeting the emerging challenges of digitalization on the railway maintenance, so as to provide a better awareness about the railway systems they are dealing with. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Springer, 2021
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ; 265
Digitalization, Railway maintenance, Situation, Awareness
National Category
Other Civil Engineering
Research subject
Operation and Maintenance Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-86850 (URN)10.1007/978-3-030-79816-1_25 (DOI)000841499300025 ()2-s2.0-85112170434 (Scopus ID)
Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions - Proceedings of the AHFE 2021 Virtual Conference on Human Factors and Systems Interaction, July 25-29, 2021, USA

ISBN för värdpublikation: 978-3-030-79815-4, 978-3-030-79816-1

Finansiär: Luleå Railway Research Centre (JVTC)

Available from: 2021-08-26 Created: 2021-08-26 Last updated: 2025-01-14Bibliographically approved

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