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2022 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
In Sweden, as in many other countries, the construction andinfrastructure sector are of large and growing importance for the economyand society. For instance, the construction industry’s turnover equals 11% ofthe Swedish gross domestic product (GDP) (Byggföretagen 2021), and theSwedish Transport Administration plans to invest SEK 799 billion during theperiod 2022-2033 (Regeringen 2021). At the same time, the cost ofinfrastructure projects has increased more than the consumer price index(CPI) (Trafikverket (2021)), partly due to a poorer development of theproductivity compared to other industries. An improved productivity andefficiency in the transport infrastructure and construction industry istherefore necessary. One way to increase productivity, improve theoccupational health and safety, and sustainability is through automation anddigitalization of the construction industry.The aim of the present report has been to identify ongoing initiatives andexisting research trends in construction automation with a focus on civilengineering, both nationally and internationally; and to identify potentialsand challenges that exist for the development of construction automation.Furthermore, the prerequisites for the implementation of automation in theconstruction industry have been studied. The research questions were studiedthrough a literature study and two thematic days on the subject.The results from the literature study shows that a clear increasing trendexists, both nationally and internationally, in automation, digitization androbotisation in the construction industry. The same trend can also be seen incivil engineering for roads, bridges, tunnels, as well as in the mining industry.With the mining industry as a role model, construction companies,universities, suppliers and clients together with small and medium-sizedenterprises (SMEs) should come together to develop a common vision and astrategic roadmap to enforce automation and digitization of the constructionindustry. A development of both technical, organizational and financialstructures is required, where an attractive business ecosystem can bedeveloped, enabling the upscaling of construction automation.Interdisciplinary collaborations, test-beds at an early stage, competencedevelopment, new financing infrastructure and a common vision are crucialto create conditions for construction automation.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
KTH, Real Estate and Construction Management, 2022. p. 115
construction automation, robotics, infrastructure, lifecycle
National Category
Construction Management Robotics and automation
Research subject
Mining and Rock Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-98035 (URN)
Svenska Byggbranschens Utvecklingsfond (SBUF), 13882Swedish Research Council Formas, 2020-00213
2023-06-082023-06-082025-02-05Bibliographically approved