The purpose with this study is to explore how teachers in Early Childhood Education programs(ECE) in Sweden describe and relate to the first meetings with migrant children and theirfamilies. The research questions are; how do teachers describe the first meetings with themigrant children and their families? and what kind of difficulties can we distinguish from theteachers’ descriptions? Our essay will answer these questions by analyzing data gatheredthrough a focus group of four teachers. This study has a qualitative approach and the teachersdescriptions are interpreted and analyzed with a postmodern and socially constructive view oninteraction and meeting the Other.The results show that the first meetings with the immigrant families contain information andquestions of a practical nature. The results also show difficulties during these first meetings andthe continuous work with the migrant children and their families due to language barriers. Twothemes are also noticeable in our results: the teachers ambition and dedication and the teachersfeelings of being insufficient. In conclusion our results show that it’s not always easy workingwith immigrant families. Some of the contributing factors to this are inadequate resources, thelack of time and the large groups of children in the Swedish ECE programs.Key words: Feeling safe, intercultural, language, meeting the Other, newly arrived, pedagogyapproach, the first meetings.