A railway has many different requirements, such as safety and punctuality. The purpose of this studywas to explore and describe howmaintenance can contribute to improved punctuality. In an industry branch that is becoming more open, as is the case in Norway where this study was undertaken, it is important to have clear requirements and performance measures. This study has focused on railway stakeholders and their requirements regarding punctuality, the measures employed, and the traceability between requirements, goals, and measurements. Linking the end customer's punctuality requirements to reliability of the track is illustrated. The requirements flow is presented as well as a discussion about its pros and cons. The results of the study can be applied in order to compare different designs of maintenance to fulfil punctuality requirements. The information flow and the measures currently used are not entirely suitable concerning feedback and usefulness for managing availability and thus maintenance
Godkänd; 2005; 20070319 (ysko);