22MnB5/Usibor1500 is a hot-dip aluminized manganese-boron steel grade that is used withinthe car manufacturing industry and as lasers are increasingly used for welding of the car bodythe amount of research concerning laser welding of this material follows. For thicker materialthe laser hybrid arc welding process has grown to a well-known tool to increase productivity,but for thinner materials the advantages are less obvious. In the present research the melt pooland wire drop transfer was observed with a high speed camera. Differences between welding,with and without the coating were clearly visible and are described and discussed in the paper.The resulting welds were examined microscopically and chemically to unveil the compositionof the material. It is aimed to avoid possible brittle inter-metallic phases directly during theprocess, hence by skipping the usual additional manufacturing step of removing the AlSicoatingin advance.