Several publications in the literature are stating that welding of AlSi coated boron steelwithout any pre-treatment often results in reduced weld strength and generally make the jointmore brittle. These problems are normally solved by locally removing the AlSi coating in aseparated process step before welding.One of the main goals of the experiments here presented was to join tailor weldedblanks (TWB) using only one process step without locally removing the AlSi coating and stillachieve the required weld strength needed for subsequent forming operations and good crashperformance.Laser-hybrid welding, a mixture of laser and MAG welding, were used for welding ofTWB’sThe experiments showed that correctly used, laser-hybrid can achieve welds in Usibor1500P materials that reach 95% of the strength of welds made on uncoated 22MnB5materials, in one process step without locally removing the AlSi coating.Optimized laser-hybrid welds were also tested on full scale B-pillars where theyperformed as good as conventionally laser-welded B-pillars (with coating removal) and nonweldedB-pillars. All welds were intact after both static and crash testing.In all, the experiments has successfully gathered knowledge on the determining factorsfor a sturdy process with high weld quality, approved crash performance, and improvedproductivity.