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Funktionellt och attraktivt boende i Gällivare: Bostadstyper, funktioner och attraktivitet
2011 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

Malmberget is a town of Gällivare municipality who is facing a situation which virtually all of the central parts have to be demolished or moved because of the mining industry. In the current situation is a lack of available housing in the community and because of the situation in Malmberget the municipality will require more housing. The purpose of this paper is to develop a basis that will provide support for Gällivare municipality in their continuing work with the ongoing transformation of society and for future housing planning in the municipality. The work identifies housing types and tenures that are demanded by the inhabitants of the town. The study also considers the functions that are in demand on new homes and the characteristics of an attractive housing area in Gällivare. The goal is to find the features of homes and properties in residential areas which make Gällivare a more attractive community where residents feel satisfied and want to stay. In order to identify what residents require for new housing and residential areas, a survey and interviews was made. A quantitative survey was conducted, where the inhabitants of the town was divided into four subgroups based on age. A random selection was made in the different age groups and this generated 100 people in each sample, a total of 400 people. Qualitative interviews were also made with some of the largest housing companies, Top Bostäder, FAB, TN bygg och fastighet, Riksbyggen and HSB. Housing types that are most attractive is a villa or a centrally located apartment, the retired persons can also think of moving to senior housing. Brand new villa homes are most popular, among young people and families with children, while 49-79 year olds prefer apartments in the existing housing stock. It has also emerged from the survey that a higher proportion wants to rent their future homes than what the distribution looks like in the current situation. Most of the residents in Gällivare, Malmberget and Koskullskulle want according to the questionnaire live in villa neighborhoods, in a mixture of buildings or in small apartment buildings. The neighborhoods that are popular today in the municipality are safe and quiet areas which are low populated with a low number of stories. Access to a private entrance and a private patio are features that are appreciated in the current situation among the residents of the housing companies that were interviewed. All this suggests that there is low building structures with "a villa feeling" are what the residents in the community prefers. Vegetation is important in the case of residential area's design. The housing area will be close to nature and close to parks and green spaces. A quiet and safe residential area, with plenty of parking, access to a garage and a nice view from the apartment is attractive as the inhabitants of Gällivare, Malmberget and Koskullskulle. An attractive location of the residential area is close to a grocery store, close to local bus links and close to the center of Gällivare. An attractive housing in the future of Gällivare is a home that has the following features: a balcony/patio, a large and well-planned kitchen, choice of wallpaper and other materials to make the home individual, it should consist of a washing machine and there should be access to Internet. An attractive home is when it is designed with a good quality of materials and energy efficient. Most (86.1%) of those planning to move within the next five years is seeking a size of two rooms with kitchen, tree rooms with kitchen or four rooms with kitchen. Families with children prefer the biggest houses, while pensioners would rather have the smaller ones. Young people and families with children are the ones most likely to invest in their homes, as most are willing to pay more for a higher quality/standard. The results of the questionnaire and the interviews were summarized in the following areas that the municipality could take in new housing: Invest in small houses, quiet safe neighborhoods with plenty of green areas and private patios, a residential area within walking distance to the center of Gällivare, but who still are close to nature. - Small houses (2 rooms with kitchen and 3 rooms with kitchen) for young people, households without children, smaller families and single households. With the distribution of 75% villas and 25% townhouse/terraced/semi-detached house, where there is a choice among forms of tenure, ownership, tenant and tenancy (this approach is visualized in Chapter 8.2). - Larger lots for new houses (4 rooms with kitchen and 5 rooms with kitchen) for families with children. Invest in densification in the city center, quiet and safe residential area which has much green space and good parking possibilities. - Brand new rental apartments (2 rooms with kitchen and 3 rooms with kitchen) for pensioners, households without children and single households, with a balcony / patio, a large and well planned kitchen and good quality materials. A new senior housing for pensioners, centrally located, disability adjusted apartments with elevator access. Here it is also important to have common areas, green spaces and vegetation, balconies and patios.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2011. , p. 105
Keywords [en]
Social Behaviour Law
Keywords [sv]
Samhälls-, beteendevetenskap, juridik
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-46482Local ID: 41e1dd54-1841-4734-83c8-fe43d315be97OAI:, id: diva2:1019796
Subject / course
Student thesis, at least 30 credits
Educational program
Architectural Engineering, master's level
Validerat; 20110531 (anonymous)Available from: 2016-10-04 Created: 2016-10-04Bibliographically approved

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