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The interaction and synergic effect of particle size on flotation efficiency: A comparison study of recovery by size, and by liberation between lab and industrial scale data: [Sinergijski utjecaj djelovanja veličine zrna na učinkovitost flotacije: usporedba laboratorijskih i industrijskih podataka o iskorištenju korisne komponente u koncentratu ovisno o veličini zrna i raščinu (stupnju oslobođenja)]
Faculty of Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan, Iran.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9564-1016
Department of Mining Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
Luleå University of Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5228-3888
Complex of Copper Processing – Sungun, East Azerbaijan Province, Headquarters Rd, Tabriz, Iran.
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2023 (English)In: Rudarsko-Geološko-Naftni Zbornik, ISSN 0353-4529, E-ISSN 1849-0409, Vol. 38, no 1, p. 1-12Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The interaction and synergic effect of particle size on flotation efficiency were investigated by a comparison study between laboratories (size-by-size flotation modes) and industrial scale operational data (whole mixed size fraction). For this purpose, sampling was done from the feed, concentrate, and tailing of the flotation rougher cells of the Sungun copper processing complex (located in the northwest of Iran). In the size-by-size flotation mode (lab scale), the sample was first subjected to different size fractions, and then flotation tests were performed for each fraction. On an industrial scale, the particle size distribution of feed, concentrate, and tailing of flotation of the rougher stage have been analyzed. According to the results, in the case of industrial flotation mode (whole mixed size fraction), the particles with d80=84 μm were more likely to reach the tailing of flotation, and the particles within the size range of +63-180 μm constituted the highest amount of concentrate particles. In lab flotation mode (size-by-size), the maximum recovery was in the size fraction of +40-60 μm. By comparing the two flotation modes of industrial (whole mixed size fraction) and lab (size-by-size), for fractions <45 μm, the industrial flotation recovery was approximately 40% greater than the lab flotation recovery. However, for fractions >125 μm, the recovery trend was reversed and the lab flotation recovery was greater than the industrial flotation recovery. Coarse particle flotation has significant economic and technological benefits. By improving the recovery of coarse particles during the flotation process, the amount of grinding requirements will be reduced and consequently, it will considerably decrease the amount of energy consumption.

Abstract [hr]

Interakcija i sinergijski učinak veličine čestica na učinkovitost flotacije istraženi su usporednom studijom laboratorijskih (model flotacije po veličini) i operativnih podataka na industrijskoj razini (cijela frakcija miješane veličine). S tom svrhom uzorkovanje je obavljeno iz sirovine, koncentrata i ostataka iz grubih ćelija flotacije u kompleksu Sungun za preradu bakra (koji se nalazi na sjeverozapadu Irana). U načinu flotacije po veličini (laboratorijsko mjerilo) uzorak je najprije podvrgnut razdvajanju po veličini frakcija, a zatim je za svaku frakciju obavljeno ispitivanje flotacije. U industrijskim razmjerima analizirana je granulometrijska raspodjela čestica u sirovini, koncentratu i jalovini grubljih faza flotacije. Prema rezultatima, u slučaju industrijskoga načina flotacije (cijela mješovita frakcija) veća je vjerojatnost da će čestice d80 = 84 μm dospjeti do ostatka flotacije, a čestice unutar raspona veličine od +63 do 180 μm činile su najveću količinu čestica u koncentratu. U laboratorijskome načinu flotacije (po veličini) najveće iskorištenje bilo je u frakciji veličine od +40 do 60 μm. Uspoređujući dva načina flotacije – industrijske (cijela frakcija miješane veličine) i laboratorijske (po veličini), za frakcije <45 μm, industrijska flotacija bila je približno 40 % veća od laboratorijske flotacije. Međutim, za frakcije >125 μm trend iskorištenja bio je obrnut, a iskorištenje laboratorijskom flotacijom bilo je veće od iskorištenja industrijskom flotacijom. Flotacija grubih čestica ima bitne ekonomske i tehnološke prednosti. Poboljšanjem iskorištenja grubih čestica tijekom procesa flotacije smanjit će se potreba za mljevenjem, a posljedično će se znatno smanjiti količina potrošnje energije.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb , 2023. Vol. 38, no 1, p. 1-12
Keywords [en]
copper, flotation, mineralog, particle size distribution, recovery
Keywords [hr]
lotacija, iskorištenje, granulometrijska raspodjela čestica, bakar, mineralogija
National Category
Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
Research subject
Mineral Processing
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-96617DOI: 10.17794/rgn.2023.1.1ISI: 000954580900014Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85151023444OAI:, id: diva2:1751226

Validerad;2023;Nivå 2;2023-04-17 (hanlid)

Available from: 2023-04-17 Created: 2023-04-17 Last updated: 2023-04-17Bibliographically approved

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