The concept of emergence has roots in systems complexity and dynamics, with prominent impact in contemporary science and in design, analysis, and governance of complex engineering systems. It is almost impossible to effectively model emergence within the dynamics of systems, due to the obscurity of its nature and imperfection of our information on its relational systemic interactions. Thus, paying attention to basic meta-questions about emergent properties of complex engineering systems is crucially important in understanding both the trajectories of evolution of systems and correspondingly the patterns of system behaviour. From this trajectorial/behavioural perspective, emergence and dynamics are considered as very close concepts: understanding the variables of one can be realised by tracing and modelling the other. This chapter reviews and summarises the topics of emergence and dynamics through their applications in six case examples. Six studies conducted by researchers around the world are selected, representing a portfolio of cases studied with multiple theoretical foundations, levels of scope, application domains of engineering systems design, phenomena of emergence, and modelling methods used that detect and identify emergence through dynamics. The case reviews provide a gateway to comprehending emergence in systems through emphasising the dynamics of interactions.