Natural freezing weather is used to fabricate lightweight ceramic monoliths with aligned pores for the first time. A stable aqueous-based alumina slurry (16 vol%) was formulated and frozen at −10 to −25 °C in natural freezing environment. The thermally treated ceramic monoliths achieved ∼82–88 vol% porosity with short-range aligned pores. Finally, the unidirectional pores in the structure are achieved using a mold with thermal insulation properties. Natural freezing saves 300 kJ of energy per kg of alumina slurry. Mechanically stable lightweight porous ceramics with complex geometries can be designed without cryogenic fluids, refrigeration, or thermal baths. Implementing natural freezing in the porous ceramics industries, particularly in the Arctic region, will bring forward a sustainable approach by reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
Validerad;2024;Nivå 2;2024-07-02 (joosat);
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