Lubricated transient elastohydrodynamic (EHD) conjunctions are extremely difficult to simulate numerically since lubricant properties such as temperature and viscosity vary significantly during the loading-unloading event. Nevertheless, industry has invested considerable time and effort in trying to create such models in order to improve performance and to reduce emissions and friction. One of the essential requirements for a successful model is accuracy in the implementation of frictional properties. The experimental method presented in this paper used an impact on the end surface of a beam to generate propagating waves that were subjected to fast Fourier transform analysis. The method yielded detailed information about the build-up and decay of normal and frictional forces as a function of time for various lubricants at three different initial temperatures (20, 40 and 80 °C) and at relevant EHD pressures. A variety of lubricants were studied to a peak Hertzian pressure of 2.5 GPa for loading-unloading times of 200-400 µs (typical for elastohydrodynamically lubricated conjunctions in ball bearings and gears). A qualitative study of the thermal properties of the lubricants and their influence on viscosity and friction coefficient was also undertaken and, finally, a plausible explanation of the observed behaviour is presented and parallels to dynamic simulations of polyatomic gases are drawn.