Compliant sheet metal assembly is a hierarchical manufacturing process that plays a significant role in automotive product development. Parts are joined in different stations to form the final product (e.g., the vehicle body structure). Dimensional variation is a product attribute of major importance that characterizes quality, and is mainly affected by the variability of parts, fixtures, and joining methods at each of the multiple stations. The propagation of dimensional variation through the multistation assembly system is modeled as a linear process, where all three aforementioned sources of variability are taken into account at each station using finite element models. In this article we apply the analytical target cascading process to the tolerance allocation problem in multistation assembly systems. Specifically, we translate final product variation targets to tolerance specifications for subassemblies and incoming parts. We demonstrate the methodology by means of a vehicle side frame assembly example.
Upprättat; 2011; 20110623 (andbra)