Solid metal induced embrittlement (SMIE) occurs when a metal experiences tensile stress and is in contact with another solid metal with a lower melting temperature. SMIE is believed to be a combined action of surface self-diffusion of the embrittling species to the crack tip and adsorption of the embrittling species at the crack tip, which weakens the crack tip region. In the present study, both SMIE of the near alpha alloy Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V in contact with copper and its influence on crystallographic orientation have been studied. U-bend specimens coated with copper were heat treated at 480°C for 8 hours. One of the cracks was examined in detail using electron backscatter diffraction technique. A preferable crack path was found along high angle grain boundaries with grains oriented close to [0001] in the crack direction; this indicates that there is a connection between the SMIE crack characteristics and the crystallographic orientation.