Falls among old people are a well-mapped phenomenon, however, falls among people living in the community and receiving home-help services have been scarcely studied. Therefore, we investigated falls among community living home-help receivers in a Swedish municipality. This prospective cohort study included all 614 persons aged 65 and over, receiving municipality home help during one year from October 2005 in a particular community. Data on age, sex, and home help service use were collected from home-help services records, and falls were reported by staff on report forms specifically designed for the study. The overall fall incidence was 626 per 1000 PY, and incidence rate ratios were significantly correlated to total amount of services (p<0,001), as well as to the amounts of help for I-ADL needs (p<0,001), P-ADL needs (p<0,001), meal distribution (p<0,001) and escort service (p=0,004).The proportion of falls reported as resulting in injury was 33 %. In conclusion, the fall incidence rate among home-help receivers aged 65 and over seems strongly correlated to the amount of services. This implies that fall prevention should be considered when planning the care for old people with ADL and mobility needs.
Godkänd; 2009; Bibliografisk uppgift: The journal of nutrition, health & aging Supplement 1 2009; 20111222 (andbra)