In my presentation I will discuss the ways children share their experiences of the future. During the year 2010 I conducted a pilot study among 11 year old children. I asked them to make drawings of how they see their future when they are grownups. All together 26 student participated the study during two lessons. This study shows that students’ visions for future vary according to their lived experiences. Pictures presenting their future hobbies, friends, family and housing seemed to be very close to their lived experiences. The importance of their existing social relations, friends and family became a starting point for their expectations of the future. Also the cultural ideas of the economical welfare were presented and individual careers played a crucial role in the drawings. Based on the pilot study (2010) I will focus in this study on the school situations where children share visions and make arguments to gain a common understanding of the future. The overall aim is to illuminate different time perspectives that are imbedded into the phenomenon of Education for sustainable development (ESD).In the study I will present the shifting of perspectives and sharing individual visions as a starting point. In the pilot study the dialogues between students become crucial for analyzing the results. Students shared, for example, the life-experiences, anticipations for the future and environmental knowledge. They mixed environmental and economical argumentation, developed ideas together and set critical questions to each other. The empirical study that I will present consists of two parts. The first part focuses on the individual visions of future, and, the second part on the sharing those visions. I am interested to illuminate in which ways children pose arguments for their visions and share individual experiences as well as anticipations for the future. Sustainable development raises an ethical question of the potential relationship with the coming generations. Furthermore, it is interesting to discuss ethical dimensions of sustainable development in relation to different time perspectives.