NanoSelect project deals with the development of fully biobased membranes and adsorbants containing nanocellulose and nanochtin as functional entities to selectively adsorb and remove contaminants from water. Nanocellulose isolated from bioresources or industrial residues showed potential for removal of contaminants from industrial water. Biobased membranes and adsorbents were prepared using native and surface modified nanocellulose as functional additive by different methods as freeze drying, vacuum filtration or coating on support layers. The prepared membranes/ adsorbents had pore structures in the range of ultra and nanofiltration membrane. The mechanical properties of prepared membranes were studied as a function of nanocomposite composition, processing methods, crosslinking and environmental factors. All membranes were stable in use conditions and showed a tensile strength as high as 10 MPa in wet conditions. The developed membranes showed high flux (16X106 L/h/m2/KPa) as well as high percentage removal of dyes (up to 99%) especially when functionalized nanoparticles were used. The results indicate that cheap and efficient biobased membranes prepared by simple processes as vacuum filtration and coating has great potential as water purification membranes in industrial waste water treatment. Furthermore, the environmental performance of the membranes is evaluated based on LCA methodology. This will contribute to the further product development. In the first phase the presumably most significant elements of the value chain in terms of environmental impacts have been identified.