EIT Raw Materials is a major European initiative supported by more than 120 core and associatepartners from industry, research and academia. Among the core missions of this network is theestablishment of a Raw Materials RM Academy to educate T-shaped professionals that willcontribute to the development of a sustainable and resource efficient Europe.Every T-shaped professional should combine an in depth knowledge of his own discipline with asound understanding of the challenges of the full raw materials value chain and with a mindsetfor innovation and entrepreneurship. The main objective of the RM Academy is to connect all Tshapedprofessionals to help create the circular economy steering wheel. Therefore, the RMAcademy has the following missions:- Label and support educational programs.- Promote a permanent offer of cross-disciplinary programmes, workshops and courses.- Train T-shaped professionals into T-shaped entrepreneurs.- Promote lifelong learning initiatives.- Stimulate wider society learning initiatives aiming at raising social and politicalawareness.- Closely collaborate with industry- Enable a high degree of mobility of students and professionals
Godkänd; 2016; Bibliografisk uppgift: REWAS är del av konferensen TMS 2016 145th ANNUAL MEETING & EXHIBITION.; 20151102 (jensva)