Konsert med Norrbotten NEO - New Sweden på festivalen Sound of StockholmSound of Stockholm is a new festival for improvised, new and experimental art music. The festival takes place a week each autumn. It is artist-driven and organised through a collaboration between 9 independent presenting societies along with EMS and the Swedish Musician’s Alliance.My participation was Artistic Director and Conductor. We performed new swedish works in our concept New Sweden. The Concert was at Kulturhuset - Hörsalen. The program:Brita Byström (f.1977) Revolt i grönska (2008) 9’ NNEO commissionPär Lindgren (f.1952) Aliti - mentre stiamo respirando (2006) 10' Christofer Elgh (f.1967) On St Christopher’s Day (2010) 12´ NNEO commissionP A U SB Tommy Andersson (f.1964) The Secrets of Eros (2010) 10´ NNEO commissionHenrik Strindberg (f.1954)Bryta snitt, tiden fryser (2005) 7´ Per Mårtensson (f.1967) Diptychon (2010) 12´ NNEO commission
Godkänd; 2011; 20111129 (pesu)