The first concert of the evening was by Lars Ánte Kuhmunen, representing the Sami minority of Sweden. Kuhmunen is a yoiker and successfully combines the ancient Sami singing tradition with electric instruments. His debut CD is titled Birrasis and won Best New Artist at the 2006 Norwegian Folk Music Awards. Although Lars Ánte Kuhmunen performs with his band throughout Europe, he makes a living as a reindeer herder.Bandet öppnade konserten tillsammans med Hennes Majestät Drottning SonjaL-A Kuhmunen-jojk, Tommy Lakso-gitarr, Tommy Skotte-kontrabas, Mats Danell-trummor Udgivelsesdato: 08.07.2010
Validerad; 2010; 20120116 (johsod)