A study of spatial skills was conducted with 27 male and 27 female participants. The aim of the study was to examine the post-exposure effect of a complex low frequency noise (21 Hz) on a mental rotation task. It was hypothesised that reaction time and number of errors would increase after 20 minutes exposure to noise, and that persons exposed to more intense noise would exhibit greater impairment. Three groups of participants were exposed to a quiet control condition and a noise condition (either 77, 81 or 86 dB(A)). After each exposure, subjects completed a mental rotation task where the stimulus consisted of one of three letters presented in five different rotations, shown either normally or mirrored. The participants were asked to respond as quickly and accurately as possible, affirmatively if the letter presented was not mirrored and negatively if mirrored. Statistical analysis revealed that the medium intensity level generated post-exposure effects when comparing noise and a quiet condition.