Human actions are transformed and merged to social processes in organizations, which makes what happens in organizations an interesting subject to research. The public sector is a matter for all of us because the government, county and municipal councils are part of it. The public sector has a large management staff and the leadership has a great impact on the culture within organizations. The purpose of this essay is to find out if there is a management culture with New Public Management and if any management style can be found in the public organization Trafikverket. The questions that will be answered in this essay are: • Which management style can be found within Trafikverket? • Which management culture can be found within Trafikverket? • To what extent can New Public Management be found within Trafikverket? The information was gathered using a qualitative approach. Eleven interviews have been conducted, of which five were with managers and six were with coworkers. To get a wider understanding of the problem and to analyze the results theories about New Public Management, leadership, management style, organization and culture are used. The results indicate that there are both similarities and differences in the experience of the management culture. That there are different management styles in the organization and that New Public Management can be found to some extent within Trafikverket.