A word presents a complex semantic structure. Words are built up of smaller components of meaning which are combined differently to form different words. Words can be analyzed and described in terms of their semantic components, which help to define different lexical relations, grammatical and syntactic processes. Contrastive componential analysis followed by the analysis of the use of motion verbs is conducted in this research. The lexical decomposition (or componential) approach to lexical semantics became one of the most influential in the 1960-1970s. In this theory, word meanings were broken down into semantic primitives or semantic features and their specifications. Component semantics is still included in most modern structural semantic approaches. I try to find out what results can be achieved by the method in the study of motion verbs and if this method can be considered a reliable for this sort of lexical studies. The semantic structure of a word is treated as a system of meanings. Analysis in terms of components, when the total meaning of a word is seen in terms of a number of distinct elements or components of meaning, is not sufficient but can help to define the meaning of word formed by a number of semantic signs. Confidential until 2008-05-11