The purpose of this study was to investigate how to construct an Application Programming Interface (API) facilitating developers with including conferencing functionality into applications. The API should furthermore include a method of mixing audio, based on the location of the conference participants. The study was commissioned by Ericsson Research. A qualitative research methodology was utilized in this study. The research data was provided in part from consultations with two supervisors assigned to this study by Ericsson Research. The basic operatives needed in the API were provided by these deliberations. The result of this study is a Java platform Micro Edition (Java ME) API which provides a developer with the means to construct a conferencing application or add conferencing functionality to an existing application. A method is included to allow audio being mixed, based on the location of the participants in a conference. The API is aimed towards mobile phone applications, but can be used on any platform supporting Java ME. The author recommends the result of this study being used when wanting to implement basic conferencing operations in a project of small scale. If the project is of a larger scale or intended as a commercial product, it is recommended to use either a more seasoned API or extend the API presented in this study with more functionality, security and robustness.