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Hållbart samhällsbyggande genom fysisk planering på detaljplanenivå: Förslag till checklista och fallstudie för ett nytt bostadsområde i Haparanda
2015 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

Sustainable buildt environment and sustainable development is about creating and designing future society. Community building in the long term and the result of what we do today proves far into the future. Today´s urban development and human way of life and build on the long term is unsustainable. It should therefore be a obvious for all the municipalities, and by all means also all within community building trade, to appear as skilled and responsible actors and that also takes into account environmental and health, when building and planning for sustainable built environment. The future requires a change in community building and ways of life to create a sustainable society. Spatial planning, together with detailed planning, is an important tool to obtain sustainable development.The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge on how the planning is to contribute to sustainable built environment on the detailed planning level. This in order to meet future needs in a sustainable built environment on the detailed planning level. The goal of the thesis is to show how this can be achieved in the zoning plan/detailed planning, which aspects to think about, to indicate if it contribute/be achieved in the form of a checklist. It is tested in a case study. Then evaluated the usefulness/effect of the checklist and whether it is possible that through a zoning plan/detailed planning to contribute to sustainable development. The study also shows a proposal for how the Granängen, an undeveloped area in Haparanda, how it is planned to live up to a sustainable housing area. The study also evaluates the usefulness/effect of the checklist as well as a zoning plan/detailed planning can contribute to sustainable development. The study serves as a support for the work to manage sustainability in the zoning plan/detailed planning level, the physically-spatial level. Sustainable built environment consists of four interacting factors, social, ecological, economic and physically-spatial sustainability. The results show that for the physically-spatial sustainability should be manifested, it needs to also be a concretization of the concept to include the structural part, the building technology. This is despite the structural/building technology properties are not locked through the zoning plan/detailed planning rules so often. Although the zoning/detailed level can be directiv of the structural/building technology in the design/building permit/building. In the optimisation of these four factors is achieved sustainable built environment and a sustainable development. Sustainable buildt environment achieved thus only when the social, ecological-, economic-, and the physically-spatial aspects of sustainability coincide and takes into account an overall perspective. The goal must be to achieve an interaction between these aspects and that no part is too dominant at the expense of the other parts. This turned out to be not an easy task. Something that is deemed unsustainable in one case can actually in a different case turn out to be the most viable solution. The term "sustainability" is a wide range, which includes everything from planning, construction and management of cities, buildings, infrastructure, buildings and facilities, to also achieve social, ecological, economic and physically-spatial sustainability. If you manage to integrate the four dimensions of sustainability (social, ecological, economic and physically-spatial) has come a long way in working towards a more sustainable city. A good home and a good living environment is an important prerequisite for good health. It is also important to be able to feel safe and involved, and to lead a meaningful leisure. We must be able to have access to venues and a good service. We all know that we feel good if we had a god security, comfort and beauty. When it comes to planning of housing and especially the planning of new housing areas, the concept of sustainability that takes into account the environmental impact of building prevention, therefore, must understand the site conditions. We also need to plan and build equal to create conditions for a good living environment and a functioning everyday life for both women and men, young and old. In planning it is important to know who we are building and planning for. It is obviously not enough to simply plan for a sustainable plan, it is also necessary to build sustainable housing and choosing sustainable building materials. It is also about building houses so as to require as little energy as possible for heating. How we warming our homes is also important from the point of view of carbon dioxide. To create a sustainable neighborhood is therefore required that the dwellings are connected to a power source that is best from a climate perspective. There should be opportunities for everyone to live in good housing, affordable and moreover in a safe and stimulating environment. Through literature studies I have come to the conclusion that it takes a holistic approach to achieve sustainable community development. It comes from the outset of planning to bring in the concept of sustainability. Sustainable built is thus to build for the future. The durable solutions must be included in today's urban planning for the future generations to take part of our efforts. We have a lot of knowledge. We know what create sustainable communities, we just need to translate this into practice. The focus and boundaries of this study is on sustainable community development through spatial planning at zoning plan/detailed planning level.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2015. , p. 253
Keywords [en]
Keywords [sv]
Teknik, hållbara städer, hållbart byggande, hållbar samhällsutveckling, begreppet hållbarhet, urban planering, hållbar arkitektur, trygghet, säkerhet, offentliga rum, grön samhällsplanering, kretslopp, luftföroreningar, folkhälsa, trafikplanering, jämställdhet, jämlikhet, hållbar byggteknik, hållbara energikällor, checklista, fallstudier, miljömål, certifiering
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-43826Local ID: 1a7db597-ba06-4fbf-8249-eef8bb3d0b7eOAI:, id: diva2:1017068
Subject / course
Student thesis, at least 30 credits
Educational program
Architectural Engineering, master's level
Validerat; 20151202 (global_studentproject_submitter)Available from: 2016-10-04 Created: 2016-10-04Bibliographically approved

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