The essay is about how the staff of social services in a municipality in Norrbotten view their psychosocial work environment and if they experience any interaction between their work and their private lives. To answer my purpose and my questions, I have chosen to conduct interviews, which is regarded as best suited to describe a great experience. To best way to do that I conducted nine interviews with each of the employees of Social Services. Interviewees that I was awarded handpicked out of the business unit manager and came from units Advice and livelihood support and Abuse Unit.Besides Karasek and Theorell demand-control and support model that represents the study's theoretical frame of reference is also given previous research as Bjorling and Hagglunds questionnaire study. Bjorling and Hagglund reported in its earnings to the employees felt that it was extremely important to have a good relationship with their team. The employees at Social Services as part of my study felt that they by and large did not have too high demands on themselves. They also felt that they received support from work colleagues and management if they were required. However when it came to control the work indicated that they felt they could control everything, but that many times was because the work itself designed and based on political diriktiv which meant that many times felt that they controlled.Keywords: Social Services, Social Worker, Psychosocial work environment