Society has evolved from customers buying products to guests consuming meaningful experiences. Experience production is a way of designing these meaningful experiences. A walk on a walking trail is an experience and therefor trail development becomes the experience production designing the trail for the guest. This study was commissioned by LRF (Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund) with focus on how experience production could contribute to the planned walking trail Bondeleden. The aim of this study has been to develop a general method for commercial trail development based on the experience production-based tools interpretation and storytelling and to exemplify the method on Bondeleden. The study is based on literature research and culminates with a concept development where a new method for trail development is presented. The method is designed in three parts and shows 1) how interpretation can be used to thematize a walking trail, 2) how storytelling can be used to reinforce the theme and 3) how interpretation and storytelling can be used to structure a specific section of a walking trail. The method is then exemplified on Bondeleden. Finally the study addresses the need to test the method empirically to see if it has the desired effect on trail development and whether it is user friendly or not.