As a master’s thesis in mechanical engineering at Luleå University of Technology this pre study for a future fan structure made of composite material has been done. The work has been carried out at Volvo Aero Corporation in Trollhättan. This thesis covers three main areas: the today’s metal manufacturing and lessons and experiences that can be transferred to future composite manufacturing. The second part concerns the supply of suitable trade standards for composite manufacturing and, the third part investigates if there are special governmental requirements for composite material in the fan structure application. The metal manufacturing of today is based on the same basic book of rules as a future composite product would have to be based. This leads to the conclusion that most of the basic safety and quality thinking applied today will be useful in the future. Of course a change in material will lead to changes in the production control procedures such as raw material acceptance testing and quality control of finished product. Concerning trade standards the standards available reflects the stage in development which the composite material is in. The vast majority of the standards available from the major internationally used standard systems addresses basic material property testing of simple geometries and little has been found considering more realistic products. The governmental certification rules studied is the American FAR regulations. The regulations mention only a few things especially for composite manufacturing and use. The main thing emphasized regarding composites, or other new materials is: if there is not long experience in using, designing and simulating the chosen material, extensive testing is required.