The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how the support and readiness will be affected in a manufacturing company, in this case Scania, during the phase out period of a platform. The first two research questions were: How does a manufacturing company work with support and readiness today? In what way will the IT support be affected during this phase out period? The last research question was to suggest changes that can be made in their way of work with the support today. For the second and third research question there have been a few delimitations. Here the focus will be on one department and their applications that run on the platform. After collecting relevant data and analyzing if todays´ way of work is the most optimal the conclusion is that the support will in some way be affected during this critical period. There are three areas that are in focus during this period: Education, Focus and Reorganization. An educational plan brings out the best in the employees, making sure that the employees focuses on the right things and spend time on the right thing and that they are organized in the optimal way, will prepare the company the best possible way.