Work Mindset and Motivation in Different National Cultures: A Study on Employees’ Work Situation and Perspectives of Work at a Global Company
2015 (English)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate opinions, attitudes, and experiences of work motivation hold by employees of different nationalities. The aim is to find out what it is that motivates employees at global companies to work, what kind of work perspectives they have and whether these perspectives and motivation differ because of national and cultural factors. Research questions such as “To what degree are employees motivated?”, “What motivates employees to work?” and “What is the difference in perspectives attributed to?” will be answered. Semi-structured interviews and structured quantitative surveys were conducted to analyze employees’ attitudes, opinions and experiences towards their working situation and motivation. After a careful analysis of interview and survey results it was shown that colleagues was the one factor most influencing motivation among all employees. After that, development, feedback, and compensation were also shown to be strong factors affecting motivation. Both, surveys and interviews, also showed that employees with different national backgrounds at the company had similar engagement levels, indicating that their motivation levels might be equal. Differences were on the other hand, observed on satisfaction levels, specific motivators, and within different perspectives of work. Respondents were shown to differ in cultural dimensions such as power distance, individualism, and masculinity. Results showed that these differences were due to nationality, but some of these were also attributed to age.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2015. , p. 73
Keywords [en]
Social Behaviour Law, work motivation, experiences, nationality, perspectives, global companies
Keywords [sv]
Samhälls-, beteendevetenskap, juridik, Work motivation, arbetsmotivation, nationality, nationalitet, arbetsperspektiv, globala företag
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-44833Local ID: 29413555-976c-4b91-9d1e-1f64911b6fceOAI:, id: diva2:1018112
External cooperation
Subject / course
Student thesis, at least 15 credits
Educational program
Psychology, bachelor's level
Validerat; 20150831 (global_studentproject_submitter)
2016-10-042016-10-04Bibliographically approved