Access networks provide connectivity to services for end-users. A common example is an end-user connecting to an Internet Service Provider, ISP, to reach the Internet. The access network can be both wired and wireless.Testing and assuring security in access networks is time-consuming and sometimes hard. The aim for this work is to create automated and easy to use tests for common security issues. The intended use of all tests is to make testing faster as well and easier and able to detect more possible issues.The main result from this thesis work is a set of tests implemented and integrated as part of Netrounds, which is a cloud-based network testing application. The result provides communication providers with intuitive and easy to use tests for assuring security for end-users in public access networks. The tests ultimately saves time during security assurance as well as helping in making the access network more secure.Major tests include testing that end-users cannot impersonate others, disturb the service, or access other users traffic. Each test focuses on security in common protocols and gives a pass or fail status.All implemented tests are tested extensively in multiple environments to ensure that they detect general issues and security problems.They are run giving good results performing security certification in access networks.