The survey is about to highlight students' opinions on a good and motivating teacher and also how the teacher can awaken their desire or motivation to learn the Spanish language. The theory underlying the data analysis is didactic theory of motivation work. The study conducted a survey of students in secondary schools in the third year and a survey of students' statements in order to identify response patterns in their descriptions. In light of the literature in this study can be seen that in the teacher's daily practical work is the basis for possible development to students' motivation in language learning. The results of the survey makes clear several factors among teachers, which are relevant to students' understanding of how language teachers can awake their motivation to learn the Spanish language as, for example, enthusiasm, varied teaching and leadership. Students' descriptions paint a multifaceted picture of a good and motivating teachers. This image includes several features. Some features may be related to the theories mentioned in the theory chapter. Others are considered new shades that can contribute to the development in the field.