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Kvalitetssäkring av godstransport: En studie om sidobalken på Scania Ferruform
2013 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

This master thesis was performed at Scania Ferruform AB in Lulea, a subsidiary owned by Scania. One of the core ideas in the production system in both these companies is to constantly work on minimizing waste in the work flow. The Sidemember have lately been surrounded by a lot of deviations considering transportation and handling. In order to achieve their goals, the desire has been to minimize the deviations that occur on this product the Sidemember. The purpose for this master thesis was to analyze what happens during handling and transportation of the sidemember to ultimately ensure a better quality of the process to Scania’s productionunits. This is done by defining the root causes for the deviations, investigate what kind of packaging is necessary for better quality, creating methods for how the products are packaged and create methods for how the products should be handled. The methods used in this study have been focused on; observation, interviews, data collection, tests, programming, and analysis with the 8-step model, etc. Data and information where obtained primarily through internal data. The theory that the thesis rests on are primarly transportation logistics combined with other master thesies and reports in the same field of research. The work has been focused on analyzing and defining the problem areas based on deviations and identified sub-problems with root cause areas. In order to analyze deviations and identify problems and root causes, an information analysis has been conducted. Internal deviation databases such as Equality (statistical tools) have been used along with statistics that has been manufactured from the production unit Scania Zwolle. A lot of work has been spent understanding the process and all the steps where the deviations occur. Early in the thesis, it was discovered that reliable statistics were missing to complete the goal that was originally aimed to solve. The goals and deliveries then changed to; create a better standard to collect statistics at both Ferruform and Scania’s production units, with the purpose to make it easier to investigate each deviation and find the root cause of them. The condition for transporting intact members is a very complex matter, which have a lot of different factors that interacts with each other, therefore reliable statistics are needed to solve the root causes. The results of the thesis are; a new standard for how to measure and record statistics (implemented before the thesis were finished), a statistical analysis program based on visual basic/excel, a policy / plan for areas that need to be revised in order to address deviations in the future, and defined reasons for the deviations. Finally, the results can be used to create a better overall solution for the sidemembers. Ferruform should further more focus on resolving the simpler problems which include; standards, recording deviations more efficient both in Ferruform and at Scanias other productionunits, and also reviewing the packaging material surrounding the pile. The long term goal should be to investigate if the current way of using the pile and yokes are an optimal solution to use when transporting piles in a trailer. How different transport routes affect the deviations on the beams are also a problem that needs adressing (different routes have different external environments that affect the Sidemember). Furthermore Ferruform and Scania should work more closely in cross-functional groups that all are affected with the deviations of the Sidemember. Today these groups are missing and this needs to be addressed, information between operators and management also needs to get through to solve the overall problem with the deviations.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2013. , p. 100
Keywords [en]
Keywords [sv]
Teknik, Godstransport, kvalitetssäkring, logistik, förpackning, emballage, standard, sidobalk, balk, transport
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-46708Local ID: 4534c368-46af-4286-9496-fe762bee72f0OAI:, id: diva2:1020023
Subject / course
Student thesis, at least 30 credits
Educational program
Industrial and Management Engineering, master's level
Validerat; 20130704 (global_studentproject_submitter)Available from: 2016-10-04 Created: 2016-10-04Bibliographically approved

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