The work of this study was to take stock of what methods used in the Dannemora mine - Dannemora Mineral AB (DMAB) regarding boulder management underground and above ground as well as highlight and givesuggestions about boulder management could be streamlined and possiblygenerate an increased amount of finished products and also higherrevenues for the company. With a more efficient management focusing on separation of waste rock and ore, both under and above ground, the DMABhad received more finished products and thus higher revenues. The essay results justify that a feasibility study will begin in the company. The advent of new operations is of course a cost, but it shouldbe small and highly justifiable in the context but need to beinvestigated in the recommended preliminary study. It is also about other cost-cutting aspects such as reduced transport and handling costs and ultimately also environmental savings, which, however, are not included in this study.
Validerat; 20150617 (global_studentproject_submitter)