In this thesis the necessities needed in order to build a geographical based wiki has been evaluated. Users will get information connected to their location based on what others have previously contributed with. In order to evaluate the concepts explained in this thesis, a proof of concept application is built which will warn you of speed-cameras. The application has a few key features which could come in handy in further development of similar products and these features will therefore be evaluated in more detail. Using speed-cameras for the proof of concept prototype has been beneficial since they will not move. They can be compared against Trafikverkets (The Swedish road administration) positions and they are quite common. Using a server-script language to fetch the information from the database on the server side will allow the client application to be built for different platforms with the same backend. Since it is a crowd based application, it needs a way to filter less accurate registrations. Therefore an algorithm based on convex-hull peeling is used to calculate the position of the cameras. The work done in this thesis shows that group awareness can be used in applications to find information where sensors or other information gathering devices are too expensive or not cost efficient enough to use. Using group awareness leads to its own difficulties in itself by avoiding faulty information from users that do not know how to use the application or try to break it. This thesis explains the concepts and technologies which are necessary in order to create this type of application.