Customer Relationship Managements påverkan på mixen mellan offensiva och defensiva marknadsföringsstrategier: En fallstudie på Elpress AB
2013 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE credits
Student thesis
Abstract [en]
Since the 1980’s there have been major developments within the area of information technology (IT), this development has influenced several areas in our society in many different ways. New ways of people communicating with each other have emerged from this technological evolution. The Internet has brought a new era of communication and has made it possible for customers to interact with each other and companies in a way that we have never experienced before. The entrance of the Internet and the personal computer have made it possible for customers to compare different organizations offers. This means that the companies must adapt and become more customer oriented instead of being marketing oriented as they were in the past. Building and managing relation-ships with customers has as of lately been seen as the key for companies to become more customer oriented, in an era where customers are seen as the scare resources of companies. Building and managing customer relationships have also dominated how companies’ act in today’s customer focused era because it is cheaper to retain customers than search for potential new customers. Still the fact remains that new customers have to be obtained in order for companies to start building customer relationships. This is the reason why companies need to develop an effective mix between efforts to acquire and retain customers.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how a company balances their efforts be-tween the areas obtaining and retaining customers and investigate what factors that in-fluence how this mix/balance have emerged. To for fill our purpose we completed a case study at middle-sized manufacturing company: Elpress AB. We completed the case study through a qualitative research method; we interviewed informants that possessed a role within both the strategic and the operational level. We created an analytic model form our theoretical studies, which have been used as our hypothetical picture of the prob-lem. The result of the study suggests that the format of the offering influences the bal-ance/mix of efforts to retain and obtain customers, both in the strategic and the opera-tional level. We identified that two factors influenced how our selected case created an effective mix between retaining and obtaining customers. These factors were the posi-tioning of the customer in the supply chain and the pricing level.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2013. , p. 98
Keywords [en]
Social Behaviour Law
Keywords [sv]
Samhälls-, beteendevetenskap, juridik, Customer Relationship Management, Balansera ansträngningar mellan att anskaffa och bibehålla kunder, Försäljning, Kundlönsamhet, Kundportfolio hantering
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-48405Local ID: 5db1509b-5e5e-4d3c-b848-89e9ab9bb7fdOAI:, id: diva2:1021747
Subject / course
Student thesis, at least 30 credits
Educational program
Business and Economics, master's level
Validerat; 20130902 (global_studentproject_submitter)
2016-10-042016-10-04Bibliographically approved