The purpose of this thesis is to determine if Data Lake Enterprise Architecture model is compliant with the coming EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to suggest the design of eventual changes that would improve the model towards reaching compliance. While Capgemini-Pivotal’s Business Data Lake was used as a reference Data Lake model, results of this thesis are applicable to Data Lake architectures in general. It can be argued that even other solutions for data management in Big Data environment will benefit from the proposed design for management of personal data.During the course of this work, baseline architecture of Business Data Lake was captured on all three levels of Enterprise Architecture, target architecture was developed and gaps were identified. The gap analysis effectively revealed the issues that baseline architecture has in achieving the intended compliance and has led to the selection of a key gap that was bridged through the proposed design of a dedicated repository for personal metadata. The design itself is based on a graph database that in a revolutionary way improves the performance of personal data management. Finally, the solution design is demonstrated through a working prototype of graph-based repository for personal metadata.The thesis and its results were evaluated by Capgemini Sweden as the project’s sponsor and were largely found to fulfill and in some areas even exceed the goals set before this project. Other, important aspects of Business Data Lake’s compliance with GDPR, which are not addressed by this work, are also explained.It was concluded that thesis accomplished its purpose in determining that the Data Lake architecture model, in its current state, fails to comply with the GDPR. Moreover, gaps that need to be bridged in order for compliance to be reached were identified and a key solution was proposed and prototyped. It was also concluded that the thesis represents a good base for continuance of the design work, and that further design projects are necessary if the compliance is to be achieved.