The land area of Solna municipality is small but at the same time there are relatively large areas of water surfaces. These areas of water are affected by: traffic, living areas, city centre areas, environmentally hazardous activities and other lands uses. These conditions do not result from Solna alone but also from activities in surrounding municipalities. Therefore an agreed upon plan and strategy are needed to reduce the impact that city life has on lakes and watercourses.The planning of the water environment in Europe is moving ahead in a new direction and the borders between municipalities do not affect the environmental progress. Instead the streaming of water that runs towards recipients as lakes and bays are being mapped. The strategy is a part of the European water directive and new authorities supervise the progress, which works transboundary in water quality management. For that purpose the authorities have action programs which point out directives that must be taken for improved water quality including what responsibility each public authority and private actor have in this progress.In this report three city areas in Solna are being studied. Each area has its’ own specifications regarding land use. My report will spell out that the highest concentrations of pollution in the stormwater are related to the intensively trafficked area of Hagalund. The pollution is obvious especially from the suspended materials from the road surface of highway E4 and the intensively trafficked Frösundaleden. There are significant differences in comparison with another city area (Råsunda), which first and foremost consists of living areas and green areas. The calculations of substances in unpurified stormwater per hectare and year shows that Hagalund has higher rates than Råsunda; 87 percent for cadmium, 58 percent for lead, 50 percent for zinc, 47 percent for copper, 40 percent for nitrogen, 39 percent for phosphorus and 25 percent for COD. The results are clearly showing that cleaning of stormwater should be a priority in areas with most traffic. Though, there are unwieldy factors in the calculations of storm water pollution. Thus the event means values vary a lot between intensively trafficked rural and urban roads and also in tunnels where the potential storage differs. It is especially hard to determine the mean values for suspended material and lead in such places. Therefore, a more developed model for calculating mean values would facilitate the results if it takes more respect to the potential storage of pollution.