Purpose: To explore (1) associations between patient and perioperativefactors and dimensions of quality of care and (2) perioperative patients’self-rated physical health in relation to information, encouragement, andparticipation.Design: A nonexperimental descriptive exploratory design (n 5 170participants).Methods: Analyses were performed using quantitative techniques;collected data were quantitative in nature. Multiple logistic regressionand Mann-Whitney U tests were used to analyze the data.Findings: The factor associatedwith patients’ satisfaction within the dimensionof ‘‘identity-oriented approach of the caregivers,’’ including the qualityof information, encouragement, and participation, was self-estimated physicalhealth. Those who estimated their physical health as being good weregenerally more satisfied. Patients who rated their physical health as beingless thangoodwere significantly less satisfiedwith the informationprovidedbefore surgery about their stay in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU).Conclusions: Nurses should chart patients’ estimations of their physicalhealth initially in care to provide reinforced support for patients who estimatetheir physical health is less than good. Before surgery, patients whohave estimated their physical health as being less than good should begiven realistic information about their stay in the PACU—that they willbe in a PACU after surgery, what that stay means, and why it is necessary.
Validerad;2018;Nivå 2;2018-12-05 (svasva)