Gold and base metals of the Mpanda Mineral Field (MMF) is the focus of this paper. Gold veins and gold-bearing base metal occurrences are structurally controlled by conjugate sets of NW-SE and E-W trending faults and/or shear zones that crosscut high-grade metamorphic rocks and post-kinematic intrusions. It was anticipated that Palaeoproterozic country rocks could have been potential host rocks for the gold mineralisation in this area. This argumentation was based on Pb model ages of various deposits from the MMF. Recent fieldwork and Pb isotopic results presented herein indicate that epigenetic gold and base metal vein-type mineralisation in the MMF is post-Palaeoproterozoic. Our Pb isotope study concentrates on constraining the sources of metals in gold-bearing quartz reefs and base metal occurrences. Pb isotopes of whole rocks and minerals indicate that mineralisation was emplaced during the Neoproterozoic, contemporaneous with the intrusion of alkaline granites and carbonatite complexes (e.g., Sangu-Ikola carbonatite complex) at ∼720 Ma. The source of Pb in the mineral occurrences is compatible with that characteristic of the Palaeoproterozoic host rocks. Aeromagnetic data suggest that the gold-bearing, NNW-SSE trending area continues to the north beyond Mpanda town. Pb isotope results and aeromagnetic data have significant implications for future exploration programs within the region, in that the search should potentially focus on the defined geophysical borders and trendlines, and on Neoproterozoic, rather than Palaeoproterozoic vein systems