Requirements and Initial Concept for an Asset Management FrameworkShow others and affiliations
2017 (English)Report (Other academic)Alternative title
Krav och initialt koncept för förvaltning av tillgångar (Swedish)
Abstract [en]
This document constitutes the first issue of Deliverable D6.2 ‘Requirements and initial concept for an asset management framework’ in the framework of the project titled ‘Innovative Intelligent Rail’ (Project Acronym: In2Rail; Grant Agreement No 635900).
This document has been prepared to provide the requirements and initial concept of a comprehensive framework for performance prediction, modelling and decision support for railway asset management, taking into account UIC asset management (AM) guidelines, rail infrastructure performance and constraints on resources and the supply chain. Two objectives guide the work: developing a key performance indicator (KPI) decision framework and defining a framework for performance prediction, modelling and decision support.
Based on interviews and a study of previous work, including In2Rail D6.1, a KPI decision framework has been constructed, fully compliant with UIC AM guidelines, and an adapted KPI definition guide has been applied to two case studies. Specifically, the KPI definition guide has been used to exemplarily define availability KPI and risk matrix KPI in the context of rail transportation, using 36 questions to define the indicators and 10 questions to verify them. The KPIs are demonstrated using infrastructure managers’ (IMs) records of operation and maintenance.
The developed framework constitutes a comprehensive modelling structure for describing, analysing, and optimising asset management decisions on a whole-life, whole-system basis. It defines a systematic approach to analysing the effects of any intervention plan and produces performance, risk and cost profiles that can be used as decision support. The framework will facilitate the assessment and development of intervention plans in three planning stages: strategic, tactical and operational. In this sense, the framework is fully compliant with ISO 55001, complementary to the UIC AM framework, and aligned with the Intelligent Asset Management System (IAMS) developed in In2Smart leverabel D2.1.
Abstract [sv]
Innovative Intelligent Rail (IN2RAIL) är ett projekt inom EU:s ramprogram Horizon 2020. Omkring 50 olika organisaitoner deltar i projektet, bland annat Järnvägstekniskt centrum vid Luleå tekniska universitet och Trafikverket. I leverabel D6.2 har ramverk för att definiera nyckeltal och ramverk för förvaltning studerats. I ramverket för nyckeltal ingår två fallstudier med data från Trafikverket. Ramverket för förvaltning presentereas just som ett ramverk och studeras vidare i senare leverabler.
Projektledare för D6.2 var Luleå tekniska universitet. Kontakta Järnvägstekniskt centrum eller Drift- och underhållsteknik på LTU för vidare information.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2017. , p. 114
Deliverable D6.2 ; 1
Keywords [en]
asset management, railway, maintenance, uic asset management guidelines, ISO 55000
Keywords [sv]
förvaltning av tillgångar, järnväg, ISO 55000, nyckeltal, uppföljning
National Category
Other Civil Engineering Reliability and Maintenance
Research subject
Operation and Maintenance
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-69174OAI:, id: diva2:1214878
Innovative Intelligent Rail (In2Rail)
EU, Horizon 2020, 635900
Konfidentiellt utanför projektgruppen. Kontakta t.ex. LTU eller Trafikverket för möjlighet till rapport.
2018-06-072018-06-072022-06-29Bibliographically approved