The papers in this special section focus on information technology in industrial automation applications. Information technologies play a crucial role in the current and future developments of industrial automation. There are numerous strategic agendas on future manufacturing that have appeared recently worldwide and all of them emphasize the role of information technologies in automation in shaping up the future of production industries. For example, according to the German development agenda Industrie 4.0, the main driving force of the new industrial revolution is the Internet of things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). The IoT concept is becoming a major driver for many industrial applications. In manufacturing, it leads to flattening of the control pyramid, thus, increasing flexibility and enabling unprecedented level of production flexibility and adaptability, making it possible and feasible to produce products in smaller amounts, with shorter time to markets and higher economic efficiency. In the manufacturing environment, CPS comprise smart machines, storage systems, and production facilities capable of autonomously exchanging information, triggering actions, and controlling each other independently. The research community effort has been focusing on systems interoperability, performance, and efficiency of the design process, as well as assurance in the correctness of systems behavior.