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Crash Cart Calculation Model: Optimized Dynamic Crash Cart Calculation Model for Crash Management Systems
Luleå University of Technology, Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics.
2018 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

A bumper system is protecting a vehicle in the event of a crash, and is especially designed for absorbing energy at low speed collisions. Furthermore, the bumper system must fulfill legal-, customer- and insurance requirements which only increase every year. In order to construct a design that meets all requirements, a lot of simulations and calculations are usually needed.

However, the design engineers at Gestamp HardTech use crash simulations to generate bumper systems, these systems are then validated by crash testing prototypes with a dummy vehicle. The process is long and expensive, and running more effective and accurate simulations could reduce both time and costs.

This report is the result of a master's thesis in mechanical engineering where a new crash cart calculation model has been developed. One can say that the goal of the thesis is to develop an accurate digital twin of the real crash cart at Gestamp Hardtech. The new calculation model is meant to replace the current model used at Gestamp HardTech, for more accurate simulations.

Moreover, the new calculation model is constructed to mimic the dummy vehicle at the test facility, improving the dynamic behaviour when running simulations for validating the requirements of new bumper systems. The goal is always that the correlation between simulation and reality should be as high as possible.

Computer aided engineering was used for constructing the new calculation model, including computer aided design and finite elements for generating geometries, mass and materials etc. The non-linear finite element software LS-DYNA was then used for simulating crash tests for validating bumper system designs. Furthermore, the report includes the two most critical crash tests for evaluating a bumper system.

It could be concluded that the new calculation model shows improved correlation as well as correct dynamic behavior, while being a intuitive and helpful tool for crash simulations. Furthermore, the work conducted has resulted in a model that has potential and likelihood of becoming a tool for bumper development at Gestamp HardTech.

Finally, the model is a replica of the dummy vehicle and does not work for running full scale car simulations.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2018. , p. 53
Keywords [en]
Crash management systems, Crash simulations, Finite elements, Crash cart, bumper, development, design engineer, simulations, crash cart calculations
National Category
Mechanical Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-69586OAI:, id: diva2:1219332
External cooperation
Gestamp HardTech
Educational program
Mechanical Engineering, master's level
Available from: 2018-06-20 Created: 2018-06-15 Last updated: 2018-06-20Bibliographically approved

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The full text will be freely available from 2028-01-17 16:07
Available from 2028-01-17 16:07

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Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Mechanical Engineering

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