A series of tests for a pure emulsion explosive were carried out with PVC confinement to obtain the velocity of detonation (VoD) and the curvature of the detonation front for different charge diameters. The burning process of the pure emulsion explosive has been modelled with a reactive flow model in LS-DYNA code. The parameters in the burning rate function were calibrated with the detonation velocities and the front curvature radii from the tests. The calibrated parameters were used to predict the VOD and the detonation front curvature radii for the emulsion explosive with mortar confinement. The results indicate that both the VoDs and the detonation front curvature radii from numerical modelling are in good agreement with the experimental results for big charge diameters. For small charge diameters, the predicted VoDs are in good agreement with the experimental results while the differences between the predicted and the experimental detonation front curvature radii are obvious
ISBN för värdpublikation: 978-91-7790-134-1, 978-91-7790-135-8