Polymer derived ceramic (PDC) composite coatings were deposited on AISI 304 substrates using siloxane based preceramic polymer polymethlysilsquioxane (PMS) and ZrSi2 as active filler or Ag as passive filler. The tribological performance of the composite coatings was evaluated at room temperature and moderately high temperatures (150 °C, 200 °C, 300 °C and 400 °C). The composite coatings showed low coefficient of friction (COF), µ, from 0.08 to 0.2 for SiOC-ZrSi2 composite coatings, and from 0.02 to 0.3 for SiOC-Ag composite coatings, at room temperature with increasing normal load from 1 to 5 N. High temperature tribology tests showed high COF values from 0.4 to 1 but low wear for SiOC-ZrSi2 coating, and low COF from 0.2 to 0.3 for SiOC-Ag coatings at lower temperature ranges. Low load friction tests at room temperature showed negligible wear in SiOC-ZrSi2 coatings, suggesting good wear resistant and lubricating properties due to formation of t-ZrO2 and carbon. Low COF and high amount of wear was observed in SiOC-Ag composite coatings at room temperature due to high ductility of Ag and smearing of wear debris in the wear track. The coatings and wear tracks were characterized to evaluate the lubrication and wear behavior.
Validerad;2018;Nivå 2;2018-10-12 (johcin)