Wet fine grinding is an important process in the minerals industry. Modelling of wet grinding in stirred media mills is challenging since it requires the simultaneous modelling of grinding media consisting of a huge number of small grinding bodies, moving internal stirrer, and the pulp fluid. All of them in interaction with each other. In the present study, wet grinding in a stirred media mill is studied using coupled incompressible computational fluid dynamics (ICFD) and discrete element method (DEM) and finite element method (FEM) simulations. The DEM is used to model the grinding media, and the pulp fluid flow is modelled using the ICFD. Moreover, the FEM is used to model the structure of the mill body and is in combination with DEM used to estimate the wear rate in the system. The present implementation of the coupled ICFD-DEM-FEM preserves the robustness and efficiency of both methods, and it gives the possibility to use large time steps for the fluid with very low computation times.