Twitter has become a commonly used platform by both public and private organiza-tions to assist with the dissemination of information related to disaster management.This research makes use of a mixed‐method approach in determining the extent andmanner in which Twitter is used to disseminate disaster management information byboth public and private organizations. This research found that public organizationsare bound by strict regulations resulting in a lower volume and smaller variety ofdisaster‐related information being disseminated. The nature of an organizationand the processes of decision making therein are suggested to influence the abilityof an organization to successfully use Twitter as an effective tool for disastermanagement. Organizations in Thailand currently underutilize Twitter for disastermanagement, as neither public nor private organizations use Twitter as a multidirec-tional communication disaster management tool.
Validerad;2019;Nivå 2;2019-12-09 (johcin)