One of the most critical characteristics of welding and press hardening of advanced high strength steels is a low ductility related to a martensitic transformation due to high cooling rate and/or plastic deformation. The present work proposes the application of quenching and partitioning (Q&P) processing to welding and press hardening in a single production step. Using this methodology will not only improve the ductility without losing the ultra-high strength but also accelerate the whole process rate significantly in comparison with austempering treatment in connection to hot pressing and decrease the cost. In this regard, Gleeble simulation of different Q&P cycles beside simulation of deformation at different rates at different temperatures were applied to a medium carbon, Si- alloyed Q&P steel. Samples were characterized using OM, SEM, XRD, hardness, compression and tensile tests. The aim of the project is to establish manufacturing strategies for obtaining components with extreme properties.
ISBN för värdpublikation: 978-3-95735-104-3