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Minskning av damm vid hantering av malmpellets: En studie av LKAB:s malmhamn
Luleå University of Technology, Department of Business Administration, Technology and Social Sciences.
2019 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAlternative title
Reduction of dust when handling ore pellets : A study of LKAB’s ore harbour (English)
Abstract [en]

LKAB's iron ore harbour in Luleå is the final step in LKAB's southern logistics chain. This study focuses on the product pellets, which is a round ball made of iron ore concentrate. The pellets are transported by train to Luleå iron ore harbour from Malmberget. During the handling process of the pellets friction and abrasion is created, damaging the pellets and leading to a spread of fine particles and dust. The shard, fines and dust that has been created is greatest in Luleå, since the product then has been handled through the whole logistic chain. In the harbour, just before the pellets are loaded into a boat, the fines are separated from the pellets in a screening process. The variation in quality of product that is arriving to the iron ore harbour is large. These differences cause great variation in the amount of dust inside the plant and outside, when the product is loaded in a boat. Today, the iron ore harbour is run by operators with only a partially developed production strategy. The solution today if the cargo is dusty, is that the operator either reduces the loading flow or increases the amount of water that is sprayed on the pellets.

After a long period of work with optimizing the dust extraction in the iron ore harbour, I came to the conclusion that the dust extraction was very difficult to reduce further. The solution to the remaining dust problems requires other measures.

The starting point for this research has been to study science of material handling and particle size segregation in materials. Through an increased understanding of material and how MPBO and MPF segregate when they are mixed together, in the different handling steps in an industrial process. I started the investigation to find the various parameters that create the variation in dust. Increased knowledge gives an opportunity to be able to handle the product more efficiently and find methods and parameters that effect the dust. An overall goal of this essay has been to get desired results without slowing down the loading speed.

At the same time, there has been a desire to understand how all parameters affect the result. To get as good insight as possible, with relatively few tests, a study plan has been established and a 26-2 factor tests have been conducted. The results have been studied to gain an increased understanding of how the various factors affect the amount of dust. With this understanding, the various factors have been optimized.

The work resulted in a significant reduction of dust both within the plant and also in the external environment. Several of the suggestions for improvements are already implemented in the ore harbour.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2019. , p. 37
National Category
Other Engineering and Technologies
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-76834OAI:, id: diva2:1372482
Educational program
Industrial and Management Engineering, bachelor's level
Available from: 2019-12-04 Created: 2019-11-24 Last updated: 2019-12-04Bibliographically approved

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Östling, Petter
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