Many technologies have been used in education. Such technologies fall under three main types: learning management systems; education data mining; and AI-enabled technologies. This report focuses on the use of robotics in interactive education. Over the past few years, interest in utilization of robotics in education has increased. Multiple attempts have been made, globally, in order to introduce robotics in education. Our report reveals that robotics have been used in education either in front scene acting as a teacher or in back scene supporting the teaching process. Our report also reveals that robotics are able to address unsolved educational issues such as achievement gaps and teachers gaps, in addition to the assistance it provides in some specific use cases. Further research efforts are indeed required to fully understand the exact role, current and future, or robotics in education. The report also introduce some challenges in using robotics in education e.g., Communication breakdowns, navigation capabilities, and the feeling of remote students
ISBN för värdpublikation: 978-91-7790-605-6