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Energy Optimization of KONE MonoSpace Elevator System Losses: An evaluation of techno-economic feasibility
Luleå University of Technology, Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics.
2020 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [en]

Millions of elevators across the world are used in the transportation of people and goods every day. To reduce energy usage and emissions of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the Earth’s atmosphere, companies like KONE are dedicated and working on ways to optimize the energy usage within elevator systems.

In this thesis, an energy optimization solution for KONE’s MonoSpace elevator systems has been investigated and developed. The solution was evaluated for the elevator types: MonoSpace 700, MonoSpace 500, EcoSpace NA, and the MonoSpace 300. The investigation was performed by familiarizing with the MonoSpace elevator systems, collecting data of measured and simulated MonoSpace energy usage, mapping significant energy losses in the MonoSpace systems utilizing the collected data, analyzing, performing calculations, and developing an energy optimization solution by evaluating different concepts until the most suitable remained, and by evaluating the techno-economic feasibility of the developed solution.

The results presented in this thesis were based on: an ISO (International Organization for Standardization) classification of energy efficiency, comparisons between the developed energy optimization solution and current KONE MonoSpace configurations, and costs for the developed solution. The comparisons regarded MonoSpace standby time, energy and environmental benefits, and economic savings from energy optimization.

Conclusions made in this thesis from results and discussions regarding the developed solution include:

  • Between X to X hours, or X to X days of annual standby time, and between 7% and 56% increased operation time in standby mode compared to current KONE configurations.
  • Decreased energy losses from idle mode.
  • Between X to X kWh of annual energy savings per elevator, and between 201% and 827% increase in power grid energy savings compared to current KONE configurations.
  • Between X to X USD in annual economic savings per elevator, and between 201% and 827% increase in potential customer economic savings compared to current KONE configurations.
  • Between X to X USD in predicted customer economic savings over elevator lifetime, regarding inflation rate, and between 201% and 827% increase in potential customer economic savings compared to current KONE configurations.
  • Between X to X USD in predicted customer economic savings over elevator lifetime, disregarding inflation rate, and between 201% and 827% increase in potential customer economic savings compared to current KONE configurations.
  • Between X to X kg in annual carbon dioxide reductions per elevator, and between 201% and 827% increase in annual carbon dioxide reductions compared to current KONE configurations.

The developed solution resulted in the highest ISO-grade of A, for the MonoSpace 500, EcoSpace NA, and MonoSpace 300. The grade was not set for the MonoSpace 700 due to data unavailability.

Based on the results, discussions and conclusions performed in this thesis, the proposed energy optimization solution shows indications of being applicable and feasible.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2020. , p. 63
Keywords [en]
Energy, Optimization, Techno-economic, Elevator, MonoSpace, KONE
Keywords [sv]
Energi, Effektivisering, Tekno-ekonomisk, Hissar, MonoSpace, KONE
National Category
Energy Engineering
URN: urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-79743OAI:, id: diva2:1443190
External cooperation
KONE Inc. North Americas
Educational program
Sustainable Energy Engineering, master's level
Available from: 2020-06-29 Created: 2020-06-18 Last updated: 2023-10-28Bibliographically approved

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